Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Orly Gumdrop

Hi all!

The week is in half! Just two more working days till it's weekend. Yay! Today I have a polish for you that I actually wore a while ago. I'm talking about Orly Gumdrop from the Sweet Collection that just came out.

Orly Gumdrop, three coats in daylight with topcoat. Gumdrop is a member of the minty family, but is slightly greener. I really don't know how I can describe this any better. I also have to add that none of my pictures turned out to be true to life. Gumdrop is greener than in the picture, it appears to be a very light blue or so, but it's not.

The structure of this polish is quite thick, but I suppose that's normal for pastels since I've had this issue with all the pastels I've tried so far. The structure of the polish didn't give me trouble, although it applied a little streaky and with bald spots, but all evened out in three coats. The problem was bubbling! Lots and lots of bubbling! I haven't seen anything like it. What a drama! I tried to get rid of the bubbles by using a topcoat, but even the topcoat failed. Too bad, because it's such a lovely color! So, to get rid of the bubbles, I did my new favorite trick to cover up bubbles and smudges; I did a Ruffian inspired mani.

Orly Gumdrop with one coat of Orly Iron Butterfly. Oops, I see I didn't do cleanup with this one.. Sorry about that! I just wanted to show you the lovely color combination. The colors work great together and I like how this turned out. I will defenitely try this again and do a proper mani.

Does anyone of you have the same issues with pastels and bubbling? Is it the polish, or is it me?

Thanks for stopping by!

PS: I will prepare posts in Dutch as well for the next couple of days. I didn't have time to write in two languages. I hope you'll forgive me for that!

The Perfect Spring Wedding Dress

Finding the perfect spring wedding dress is no easy feat, and it is a good idea for the spring bride to start the search long before the weather begins to warm up.

Starting early means that you will have the best selection and the best prices, but waiting until the last minute can leave you frustrated and disappointed.

As with other aspects of planning the perfect wedding, choosing the perfect spring wedding dress will take some time.

The key To Finding A Spring Wedding To Fit Your Style

There are of course many different places to find that perfect wedding dress, from traditional sources like dressmakers, bridal shops and department stores to less traditional outlets like vintage clothing stores and antique shops.

The key is to find a wedding dress that is a reflection of your own unique taste and style.

Shop Around Widely

For some brides that may mean a traditional spring wedding dress, complete with flowing train and beautifully accented headpiece. For others the perfect wedding dress will be quite a bit more casual, with a short, sexy and sporty style.

No matter which style is right for you, it is a good idea to shop around widely in order to find the perfect dress.

Using Resources To fit Your Dress

If you are at a loss as to which wedding dress is right for you, it may be possible to draw some inspiration from the many wedding planning guides and bridal magazines at the local newsstand or bookstore.

The styles for spring wedding dresses are always changing, and keeping up with the latest wedding fashions can be a difficult process. Paging through a recent bridal magazine can give you some great ideas on what to look for when you go shopping.

The Advantage Of Shopping Early

Of course most of us will be looking for a good deal on that spring wedding dress as well, and that is another advantage of shopping early.

Many major markets will have one or more outlet stores where top quality wedding gowns can be purchased for a fraction of their original prices.

By scoping out the sales smart brides may be able to find the perfect spring wedding dress for their special day and save enough money to pay for the perfect honeymoon as well.

By:Shaunta Pleasant

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Hi all, sorry for my late late post, yay i miss blogging a lot, I have a lot of pix I want to share with you guys... First, my Skin Md package which came from sweet Allya of paintedtips my price in Vday Contest, second RAOK from SHEY she gave me lots of nail polish, a strawberry jam and a coin purse from Baguio City. Then my mini haul. And last but not the least, my NOTD i made for my lil' sister, my cousin and my latest mani.. Hope you like them....
direct sunlight
with flash
with flash

Stay tune for holy week pictures.
And also don't forget to vote for my entry #4 Branching Out cherry blossom nails, here is the link:
thanks for viewing ....

RAOK (Random Act Of Kindness) from shey

PACKAGE came from Allya my Vday Price
My Lil' sister's Mani that I made

My Cousin's Mani that I made

Mini Haul =)
candy swirl

Sally Hansen continuous treatment growth formula

Hey guys! Okay so I went to my orientation class and it was, let's say...intimate and interactive. There were only 4 of us and the teacher. But there may be 1 more joining us...woo. Haha, but I'm really glad cuz it means that we get more individualized attention from the teacher. I rememeber that being a bad thing in high school, but I'm serious about this so I think I can handle it.

We learned some basics about tools and about bacteria. My face must've just been blank the whole time we were talking about bacteria! lol. I was so bad at biology. My bio teacher hated me so much...she literaly threw a huge hardcover text book at me. I realize now that that was probably something she shouldn't have done (should have sued her ass!)

Anywho, in my last post I mentioned the Sally Hansen Continuous Treatment Growth Formula. Okay, so I've been trying it and I think it might be working. I applied it on the 20th of this month and actually had enough nail growth by the 28th to cut off a bit. My nails are complete stumps and it seems like they stayed that way for a while, but this stuff seems to be working so far.

I usually use OPI's Nail Envy. I think that Nail Envy is great, too, but they seem to work a little differently from what I can see so far. With Nail Envy you have to apply 2 coats on your natural nail and then another coat every other day for a week. Then you start all over again. I think with nail envy, you get the strength from all the coats, so if you have weak nails this will help your nails grow out. Probably better if you're trying to grow your nails long, in my opinion.

With the Sally Hansen one, you only apply 1-2 coats on your natural nail and then reapply as needed. So you don't get the strength with this one, but it's supposed to have a time-release formula to continuously give nourishment to your nails. So I think this one is good for the lazy person who doesn't have time to apply nail envy every other day. And I think if you're trying to grow out damaged or weak nails, then this might be better for you. I'm doing that right now and I've just been chopping off my nails as they grow and I'll keep chopping them off until I get rid of the thin nails from using artificials and get to the healthy nail.

Hope this helps any of you with stubbies like me!

Nubar Iris Dust

Hi all!

How are you all doing? Surviving the week so far? I'm so damn tired since we have summertime (last sunday). My whole biological clock is screwed up! So I'll make it a relatively short post again, sorry about that. I have Nubar Iris Dust for you today. I have had her for quite a while now and I've worn her before, but I had serious shrinkage with Seche Vite before I could take pics. So here she is!

Nubar Iris Dust, four coats in daylight. Iris Dust is a quite sheer, but very pretty duochrome that flashes between dark, faded pink and bronze. I'd say you can best layer this over another color, since I still have VNL with those four coats. I think I would have liked her even more if the bronze was darker, but that's just me :)

The polish structure is quite thin, making it sheer. Drying time is quite long, but this is caused by the many layers I put on my nails before taking these pics. I didn't have issues with application whatsoever though.

What do you think of Iris Dust? Do you like duochromes as much as I do? It's just fascinating to see the colors change on my nails. What's your favorite duochrome?

Thanks for stopping by!

China Glaze Poolside Collection - Swatches and Review

China Glaze is launching a brand new collection of six neon shades for this summer. The release date is April 1st, so it is about time for some swacthes :) All of these will make you stand out of the crowd. They are bold and very bright. You will not believe how bright they are, until you see them in person.
edit: video of the whole collection - very accurate colors!
Application: neons have some specifics, you need to know about. First of all, they dry matte. To get the shine, just apply a layer of topcoat. I used Seche Vite on all the pictures. Second, try to apply these in thin coats and always let each coat dry completely before applying the other. This way you will prevent streaks and missing patches of color.
Application tip: try to apply your neon on a coat of white nail polish. This way you can prevent VNL and make the colors pop.

China Glaze pro tohle léto přichází se zbrusu novou kolekcí šesti neonových laků. Kolekce vyjde 1. dubna, takže akorát tak čas na nějaké fotky v akci :) Všechny odstíny z této kolekce vás učiní nepřehlédnutelnými. Jsou výrazné a velmi zářivé.
edit: video celé kolekce - věrně zachycuje odstíny.
Nanášení: neonové laky mají určitá specifika, o kterých je lepší vědět. Zaprvé zaschnou matné, to ale spraví jakýkoliv průhledný nadlak. Já jsem na všech fotkách použila Seche Vite. Zadruhé doporučuju lak nanášet v tenkých vrstvách a každou nechat úplně zaschnout. Tímto způsobem se vyhnete pruhování a nepravidelné aplikaci.
Tip na nanášení: zkuste nejdříve nalakovat nehty bílým lakem a pak teprve nanášet ten neonový. Barva tak líp vynikne a nehet nebude prosvítat.

Very bright neon yellow. A bit hard to work with, I had to do four coats. I think white polish under would solve the problem. Still nothing one can´t handle and the result is worth it. It really shines!

Zářivá nonová žlutá. Úplně jak zvýrazňovač na nehtech. S tímhle se mi pracovalo nejhůř z celé kolekce, byly zapotřebí čtyři vrstvy. Přesto nic, co by se nedalo zvládnout. Výsledná barvička stojí za to!

A beautiful neon orange. This will make a great pedi color. It was also a bit harder to work with. But I expected that and again used four coats.

Nádherná neonová oranžová. Tahle barvička bude perfektní na nožky. Taky se s ní hůř pracovalo, ale to jsem čekala a znovu použila čtyři vrstvy.

I love the name of this bright coral neon. It is a lot on the pink side and I just love that. This applied very nice, three coats.

Ten název je prostě dokonalej! Opět velmi zářivá barvička, korálová neonka. V téhle je hodně růžové a to se mi moc líbí. Dobře se nanášela, tři vrstvy.

This stuff is radioactive! I think it is the brightest of the whole collection. A hot pink neon. I will be wearing Pool Party a lot in the summer, I am sure of that. Great application, had no problems. Three coats.

Tenhle kousek je snad radioktivní! Myslím, že je to nejzářivější lak z celé kolekce. Výrazná nonová růžová. Tuhle budu v létě nosit hodně často, tím jsem si jista. Perfektní aplikace, žádné problémy. Tři vrstvy.

Another great name for a polish. This is the only one with shimmer and I wouldn´t call it a neon, although it dries matte. It a beautiful blue with shimmer. I added a picture in the sun, so that you can see it. My favourite of the collection. Three coats.

Další povedený název pro lak. Tenhle je jediný s odlesky, ani bych ho nenazvala neonovým, i když zasychá matný. Přidala jsem fotku na sluníčku, aby byly odlesky vidět. Pro mě jednoznačně nejhezčí lak z celé kolekce. Tři vrstvy.

Neon green, very bright. This applied very nice, although four coats were needed. I don´t have anything like this and again it will be a great pedi color.

Další velmi výrazný lak. Neonová zelená. Dobře se nanášela, i když byly potřeba čtyři vrstvy. Podobný lak ve své sbírce nemám a opět i tady platí, že bude super na pedikůru.

Overall I really like this collection. Some of them were harder to apply, but if you follow the application tips, you are ok :) In this collection, you get all you need for summer. Fun, bright neon colors, that will make you always stand out! Can´t wait to walk on the beach with these beauties!
P.S. too bad there is not a purple neon, but I want a purple polish in every collection, so don´t listen to me :P

Celkově se mi kolekce moc líbí. Některé laky jsou sice horší z hlediska nanášení, ale když budete postupovat, jak jsem psala na začátku, tak bude vše ok :) Kolekce obsahuje vše, co na léto potřebujete...veselé, zářivé barvičky, díky kterým nikdy nezapadnete v davu. Už se těším, až se s nima projdu po pláži!
P.S. škoda, že kolekce neobsahuje i neonovou fialku, ale já chci fialový lak v každé kolekci, tak mě neposlouchejte :P

* the product(s) in this post were sent to me by the manufacturer or their PR company.

Monday, March 29, 2010

OPI Espresso Your Style

Hi all!

It's a quicky today again, I have to get up early tomorrow to go to work and since summertime hit last sunday.. I'm a bit tired. Anyway, today I have OPI Espresso Your Style for you. Michelle from The Lacquer Files was so enthousiastic about this one, that I bought it after I saw her pics.

OPI Espresso Your Style, three coats with topcoat. Espresso You Style is a gorgeous dark brown with bronze shimmer. It's very pretty! Take a closer look:

Don't you agree it's pretty? I actually had this on for almost 6 (six!!) whole days. At the last day it started chipping really bad, but the first couple of days were fine - although I tore a little bit of polish off when I was unwrapping the polishes Michèle from Lacquerized. brought me.

I really like this polish. Application was good since the structure was not too thick or too thin. I can't say much about the dryingtime since I put a quickdry topcoat over it, so I'll get back to you on that next time I wear Espresso Your Style.

What do you think of Espresso Your Style? Are you into browns at all?

Thanks for stopping by!

My classes are starting...

Hi everyone! So my nail tech courses are starting tonite and I'm so excited (and a bit scared). I haven't been in a class setting in ages. Even though this isn't a typical class setting, I'm sure I've gained ADD since not having been in school and spending all my time with people who are 4 and under. Just thought I'd quickly share before I left my house for the day.

Oh and I'll let you know about this Sally Hansen growth treatment that I've been using. Seems to be working a bit. Ttys guys!

Coming Up..

Put on your sunglasses and take a look at these babies! They are so hot. I can´t wait to get these on my nails. Swatches coming soon :)

Nasaďte si sluneční brýle a mrkněte na tyhle krasavce! Úplně září. Fotky na nehtech už brzo :)

Towel Boy Toy: Neon Blue
Kiwi Cool-Ada: Neon Green
Yellow Polka Dot Bikini: Neon Yellow

Sun Worshipper: Neon Orange
Flip Flop Fantasy: Neon Coral
Pool Party: Neon Pink
* the product(s) in this post were sent to me by the manufacturer or their PR company.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Giveaway winner!

Hi all!

I know it's a day early, since I said I would draw a winner tomorrow, but I couldn't wait so I entered all the giveaway entries in a spreadsheet! Unfortunately, not everyone read the rules carefully enough, so I had to eliminate some of you. I'm sorry, but the rules are there for a reason!

Anyway, I have a winner! Here's a little reminder of the prize:

A brand new bottle of Satin Passion from the Orly Satin Hues collection.

And the winner is... *drumroll please*

BeautyVibes! Congratulations! I will contact you via email for your address.

Thanks everyone for entering and for reading my blog of course. I don't know where I'd be without all of you!

Sweet Butterflies

Hello dear readers! How is your Sunday? :) Today I made another of mine jewellery inspired manis. I used Orly Gumdrop as a base. I really fell in love with Gumdrop, can´t believe I wouldn´t buy this myself....what a fool! For the Konad design I used plate M50 and Color Club Black (I know Silver would look better, but I wanted the stamping to stand out a bit more). I hope you like it :)

Zdravím své čtenáře, jakou máte neděli? :) Dnes vám chci ukázat další nehtíky inspirované šperky. Jako základ posloužil Orly Gumdrop. Mimochodem vůbec se nechápu. Normálně bych si takový lak nikdy nekoupila...když ho ale teď mám, tak jsem z něj nadšená! Na Konad razítka jsem použila destičku M50 a Color Club Black (určitě by se víc hodil stříbrný lak, ale chtěla jsem aby to blo trošku výraznější). Doufám, že se líbí :)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Inexpensive Wedding Dresses

Inexpensive Wedding Dresses

Nfu Oh 46

Today I bring you the promised Nfu Oh 46. I think that these polishes look best layered on another, but I swatched it alone, so you can see the color. The base is a bright medium red and the flakies go from red to gold. Would look perfect on a red or black base. On the pictures I have three coats and still VNL. Really better for layering, but still an awesome color. Sometimes I just wish I had all of them :)

Dnes pro vás mám slibovaný Nfu Oh 46. Obecně jsou tyhle laky určený na vrstvení (a mně se tak líbí nejvíc), ale vyfotila jsem ho pro vás samotný, aby byl dobře vidět odstín. Základ je výrazná středně červená, šupinky jsou pak červeno zlaté. Úplně ho vidím na červeném nebo černém laku. Na fotkách mám tři vrstvy a ani to nestačilo pro plné krytí. Opravdu je mnohem lepší na vrstvení. Někdy si říkám, že bych je chtěla mít všechny :)