Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sally Hansen continuous treatment growth formula

Hey guys! Okay so I went to my orientation class and it was, let's say...intimate and interactive. There were only 4 of us and the teacher. But there may be 1 more joining us...woo. Haha, but I'm really glad cuz it means that we get more individualized attention from the teacher. I rememeber that being a bad thing in high school, but I'm serious about this so I think I can handle it.

We learned some basics about tools and about bacteria. My face must've just been blank the whole time we were talking about bacteria! lol. I was so bad at biology. My bio teacher hated me so much...she literaly threw a huge hardcover text book at me. I realize now that that was probably something she shouldn't have done (should have sued her ass!)

Anywho, in my last post I mentioned the Sally Hansen Continuous Treatment Growth Formula. Okay, so I've been trying it and I think it might be working. I applied it on the 20th of this month and actually had enough nail growth by the 28th to cut off a bit. My nails are complete stumps and it seems like they stayed that way for a while, but this stuff seems to be working so far.

I usually use OPI's Nail Envy. I think that Nail Envy is great, too, but they seem to work a little differently from what I can see so far. With Nail Envy you have to apply 2 coats on your natural nail and then another coat every other day for a week. Then you start all over again. I think with nail envy, you get the strength from all the coats, so if you have weak nails this will help your nails grow out. Probably better if you're trying to grow your nails long, in my opinion.

With the Sally Hansen one, you only apply 1-2 coats on your natural nail and then reapply as needed. So you don't get the strength with this one, but it's supposed to have a time-release formula to continuously give nourishment to your nails. So I think this one is good for the lazy person who doesn't have time to apply nail envy every other day. And I think if you're trying to grow out damaged or weak nails, then this might be better for you. I'm doing that right now and I've just been chopping off my nails as they grow and I'll keep chopping them off until I get rid of the thin nails from using artificials and get to the healthy nail.

Hope this helps any of you with stubbies like me!

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